+973 3455 3299 / +973 7790 3299 Free shipping Across Bahrain 🇧🇭 info@chapysocial.com

Digital Solutions

Empower Your Business Digitally with Our Suite of Solutions: From Dynamic Digital Business Cards to Interactive NFC Menus and Seamless E-commerce Builders. 

Trusted by

Join 100+ companies already growing

Digital Identity

Metal Business Cards with Tap & Go.

We create digital identities for individuals, companies, and products. These online business cards can be shared seamlessly through QR codes and NFC, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper cards.

With the ability to update your card at any time, you can ensure that your network always has your most up-to-date contact information.


Business View cards 

Google Review Rating card


A staggering 95% of consumers are reluctant to leave their feedback on Google, deterred by the cumbersome and intricate processes involving links, email requests, and frustrating QR codes.

But fret not…

We offer a streamlined solution that not only eliminates these barriers but also promises a remarkable 70% growth in both your Google Reviews count and income.

Powerful Functionalities

Unlock your potential with our extensive and powerful functionalities

NFC Chip

Place your business card on your phone to share data

Plug & Play

Share all your important contact information without an app

Device Support

Work on (almost) all devices that use Android or iOS software

Device Support


Tap or Scan

With Over 21 Themes for your business?

Elevate your networking game and leave a memorable first impression with potential customers through a single tap or quick scan. Chapy Inc’s innovative digital business card solution enables you to effortlessly exchange all your essential contact information in a contactless and swift fashion.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Enhance your networking experience and craft your Chapy Inc business card today!

Powerful Functionalities

Unlock your potential with our extensive and powerful functionalities

Unlock Connections with a Tap.

ChapY NFC business cards revolutionize networking! Effortlessly connect with a single tap and elevate your professional image with innovative technology. Seamlessly unlock new opportunities while leaving a lasting impression. Join the future of networking today!

How does it work?

With Network Tapp you can share all your relevant contact information with just one tap or scan.

Make Your Order

Choose your free business card that fits your personality.


Choose you Subcription Plans

Select your subscription plans and ready to go.


Log in to your account

Log in to your account to edit your profile while your business card is delivered to you.


Share your profile via QR code, link or with just a tap.


google review card

Struggling with your Business Review? introducing the Chapy review Card

Chapy Review Card allows you to collect reviews in a single tap for your business, go from a 2 star rating to a 5-star rating.

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